Buy Online Precious Gemstones Near Me in Hyderabad

There are different type of Natural gemstones relates to different planets and different colours, most of the people aware about Navaratan stone ring but there are somany precious stones and Semi precious Stones used as per the date of birth of the person and wear the required gem stone ring as per the astrology & Numerology, there are more than180 different types of gem stones as blue suffire or blue gem stones, emerald (Panna) or green gemstones, yellow suffire (pukraj) or yellow gemstones, black tourmaline or black gemstones, coral or red gem stones,Ruby or Pink Gemstones , pearls, moon stones or white gem stones, amythiest or purple gemstones, Precious and natural gem stones - there are somany types precious gem stones , very importantly used stones in Astrolgy are Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Yellow suffire, Topaz, pearl,,opal, red coral , white coral ,Turquise, blue suffire, zircon, catseye, hessonite,moon stone, Alexandrite, most beautiful best gemstones and crystals are suggested as per the birthday gemstones or horoscope or birth chart , As most of the people will suggest gemstones as per the planet positions in horoscope or Numerology or zodiac gemstones, different planet indicate different gemstones like pearl or moon stone indicate moon planet, ruby wil lindicate sun planet, Emerald for mercury ( budha grah), yellowsuffire for jupiter, cats eye for ketu grah, gomedh for rahu grah, bluesuffire for saturn ,diamondfor venus.

Buy Lab Tested Gemstones Of Different Quality, Shapes, Sizes Available Withus In Hyderabad.

After a great deal of research and experimentation, there are ways in which you can tap into positive force and improve your luck. Indeed, luck is the product of our own mental focus and attitudes. Imagine now that by changing your focus, you can intentionally increase the amount of luck you experience in all areas of life.

Gemstones and Rudrakshas have living energy. Every gemstone has several attributes. Good luck is a part of the energy of many stones, Gemstones can simply be described as stones or minerals with divine powers. They can be called as somewhat supreme creation of the Supreme Lord, who by putting in cosmic powers in them made them to be called as lucky stones or gemstones.

Rudraksha is considered to be the most potent manifestation of the Cosmic Force. Hence Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also the source to reach the higher self. These beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees. The Rudrakasha tree is botanically known as ELAEOCARPUS GANITRUS ROXB. Its English name is UTRASUM BEAD TREE. Rudraksha trees are found in Indonesia, 25% in Nepal and 5% in India Rudra is the name of Lord Shiva. Aksha means "tear". It is said that the plant of Rudraksha is originated from the tear drops of Lord Shiva. As per the Vedic scriptures Rudraksha can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great extent. No other necklace or bead is so auspicious and powerful as a Rudraksha. Rudraksha beads contain 50.031 % carbon, 0.95% nitrogen, 17.897% hydrogen and 30.53% oxygen. The alkaloids and flavonoids (naturally occuring amines in plants) present in the Rudraksha extracts.

We are the prominent in getting a wide range of High Quality Gemstones, Crystals, and helps you to know your gemstones for astrological & numberological remedies based on your date of birth and name calculations.

Contact Us on 9059207900 for a any type & size of Gemstones.

Gemstone Diamond Diamond / Heera Venus (Shukra) Friday Gold
Gemstone Yellow Sapphire Yellow Sapphire / Pukhraj Jupiter Thursday Gold
Gemstone Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire / Neelam Saturn (Shani) Saturday Silver or Iron
Gemstone Ruby Ruby Sun (Surya) Sunday Gold or Copper
Gemstone Emerald Emerald / Panna Mercury (Budha) Wednesday Gold
Gemstone Pearl Pearl Moon (Chandra) Monday Silver
Gemstone Hessonitegarnet Hessonite Garnet / Gomde Rahu Saturday Silver
Gemstone Opal Opal Venus (Shukra) Friday Silver or Gold
Gemstone Redcoral Red Coral / Munga or Moonga Mars (Mangal) Tuesday Silver or Gold
Gemstone Catseye Cat's Eye / Lahsunya Ketu Wednesday Silver or Gold
Gemstone Torquoise Torquoise / Firoza or Feroza Venus (Shukra) Friday Gold or Platinum or Silver
Gemstone Rudraksha Rudraksha     Silver or Gold